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Click on the word below to view the plot presentation from class.
The Elements of Plot


Four Types of Conflict that Appear in the Rising Action:

1. Character vs Character; 2. Character vs Self; 3. Character vs Nature; 4. Character vs Society

Figurative Language
Simile: a comparison between two things we ordinarily wouldn't compare using "like" or "as"
At rush hour, the highway was like a parking lot.
Metaphor: a comparison between two things we ordinarily wouldn't compare without using "like" or "as"
At rush hour, the highway was a parking lot.
Personification: gives human qualities to nonhuman things
The flowers danced in the breeze.

A symbol is something concrete that stands for something abstract. A symbol may be a person, place, thing, or action.  It may stand for an idea, belief, feeling, or attitude.  A symbol keeps its own meaning while standing for something else.

An allusion is a figure of speech where the author refers to a subject matter such as a place, event, or literary work as a passing reference. It is up to the reader to make a connection to the subject being mentioned.  (From Writers use allusions to say a great deal in a few words.
Example: This meeting is so boring.  I wish I could just click my heels together.
The writer is making a reference to the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy's intense desire to go home.
The tough part about allusions is that you have to know the story, bible passage, event, movie, etc to understand the comparison. If I say: Chocolate M&M Blizzards are my kryptonite, I'm saying that eating that ice cream is my weakness. You would have to know that the one thing that would cause SuperMan to lose his power would be exposure to Kryptonite.


Alliteration is a literary device where words are used in quick succession and begin with letters belonging to the same sound group. Whether it is the consonant sound or a specific vowel group, the alliteration involves creating a repetition of similar sounds in the sentence. Alliterations are also created when the words all begin with the same letter. Alliterations are used to add character to the writing and often add an element of ‘fun’ to the piece..

Example: The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way. (The ‘W’ sound is highlighted and repeated throughout the sentence.) From:

Click the PDF button to learn about theme in literature.


Denotation is the actual meaning of the word or its dictionary definition.
The Connotation of a word are the ideas or emotions associated with the word.


Tone is the author's attitude toward the subject of his or her writing. Some examples would be: sincere, sarcastic, angry, amused.

Mood is the effect of the writer's words on the reader. Mood is how the writer's words make us feel. Examples would be peaceful, anxious, happy, reflective, or sentimental.


Main or Central Idea: Click here to learn more


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